Capitalist Globalisation & India

Tax the Billionaires, not the Billions

The following leaflet is an English translation of the Marathi leaflet on the recent adoption of GST in India 

Who pays GST?

GST is Goods and Service Tax. Who in reality pays this tax? Industrialist, Traders or we, the working class? GST is an
Indirect tax which is paid by us all. We pay indirect taxes on each and every Goods and services; not just once but daily, every time we purchase something. Right from toothpaste, toothbrush, matchbox, school bags, to mobile bills. We pay a whooping amount of 8.5 lacs crore each year by means of such indirect tax. read more

Joblessness India
Capitalist Globalisation & India

Socialist Speak: Growing Joblessness & the Time to Fight Back!

The following is an audio recording by Jagadish G Chandra from the New Socialist Alternative. Topics discussed include the joblessness situation in India, price rise, demonitisation, the reformist role of left parties and the need to fight back against the neo-liberal assault of the Modi govt.

Capitalist Globalisation & India

#OccupyRBI Protests

The following is a facebook post by Jagadish G Chandra from the New Socialist Alternative on the #OccupyRBI protest that was organized in Bangalore yesterday. It also features short videos with activists speaking about how the demonetization by the Modi govt has ended up hurting the working people. Jagadish & others activists were detained and later released by the police. read more

Pune Airport Protest
Capitalist Globalisation & India

No to Purandar Airport- People vow to fight for every inch of land

Land acquisition for a new Pune airport is always a burning issue in the politics of Pune city. Since last six years, the government has tried to acquire land near Chkan village of Pune to build airport. But they have failed to do so.

Recently, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis declared that the proposal of airport is now shifted from Chakan village to Purandar district. According to this new proposal, land acquisition of nearly about 7 villages is required. Since then people of these villages have been protesting against this land acquisition. During Diwali festival, women from these villages had even used ‘rangolis’ in front of their houses as protest signs against the airport. They have put black flags on their houses and are very politically conscious as they know that they will not get any benefit from it. They are aware that their livelihood will be completely destroyed if their land is acquired. read more

Anti-Nuclear Struggles

India’s Nuclear Submission

The ghastly grin on the Russian President’s face and the subsequent acquiescent mood of the Indian Prime Minister clearly echoes how we have been pledged to the vicious interests of their capitalist gains. The inauguration of 3rd and 4th nuclear reactor units and MOU’s for 5th and 6th units in Kudankulam (in October) shows how the genuine interests of the working people has been quashed mercilessly and the political interests of these state leaders were upheld. read more