Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Interview with Siritunga Jayasuriya, United Socialist Party’s veteran Trotskyist leader

The following English language translation of an interview with Siritunga Jayasuriya was conducted by Samantha Rajapaksa and published on the ‘Left Voice’ (Sri Lanka) website.

Siritunga Jayasuriya (Siri) is General Secretary of the United Socialist Party. Siri became a member of the youth league of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSSP) in 1964. In 1965 he obtained membership of the party itself with the signed approval of Dr. N. M. Perera, having passed the theoretical and practical membership tests of the party. read more


Scrap CAA-Stop NRC- NPR No way, No Way!

In the past two weeks, since the Citizens Amendment Act (CAA) was rushed through the Indian Parliament, there has been a massive eruption of anger and dismay. The agitation and mass protests across India are unprecedented and spreading like wildfire. The machinery of state is in disarray; the police in several states have no idea what to do and are resorting to brutal violence against the predominantly youthful protesters. Bans on demonstrations are being defied. read more


Kashmir crisis: Attack on democratic rights must be opposed

Joint statement from New Socialist Alternative (Indian section of CWI) and CWI supporters in Pakistan.

The ruling BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) regime in India has once again displayed its contempt and aversion to basic values of democracy. During the past week this regime had been increasing its armed forces to the tune of 35,000 in the already militarised Kashmir valley, (which is estimated to have half a million Indian Army forces) citing bogus threats. This regime wilfully created a terror panic to clear tourists and students in the valley. This blatant abuse of power was only the tip of what had been in store. read more

Sri Lanka Politics 2017
South Asia

Sri Lanka: The year 2017

The article below was published in the January issue of Red Star, the monthly newspaper of the United Socialist Party (CWI) in Sri Lanka. The party’s general secretary, Sritunga Jayasuriya, outlines the mounting tension in the country as the government, led by the United National Party, tries to force through harsh neo-liberal economic reforms. The president, Maithripala Sirisena, and his supporters in the SLFP (Sri Lanka Freedom Party) are working together with the UNP in their onslaught against workers and students. read more

India Kashmir Protests
Jammu & Kashmir

Socialist Speak On Kashmir

New Socialist Alternative (CWI-India) the Indian section of the Committee for a Workers’ International, has always had a socialist stand point on the Nationality Question in the valley of Kashmir, we unequivocally stand for the democratic Right of Self Determination of the Kashmiri People to decide upon the future of their Nation, with guaranteed autonomy and fullest rights to all the minorities. We stand for the Socialist Confederation of the entire sub-continent. read more