Solidarity Protest

Pune: Solidarity Protest Supporting Spanish Student’s Strike

A solidarity protest organized by New Socialist Alternative (Indian Section of Committee for a Workers’ International) at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune on 25th October in support of the Spanish Student’s Strike. 

A protest rally was organized at SPPU in solidarity with Spanish Students’ Strike. First we distributed leaflets and appealed students to join the protest. In response around 50 students gathered. We began the rally by first singing the song “Shikshanachi zaliya daina, itha sarakari shala disana” (Education system is in shambles and now public schools are no more seen, being replaced by private ones). read more

India under Modi

Statement on the Current Political Situation

This statement on the current situation was issued at the end of the two day National Meeting at Pune on 1st & 2nd October. The meeting was attended by key comrades from three functioning branches of New Socialist Alternative (CWI-India) active in Bangalore, Chennai & Pune. Comrades from the International Secretariat, CWI-Sri Lanka and CWI-Malaysia also participated in the meeting.

Economic Recap read more