Rage Against Rape

Video: Rage Now Against Rape!

In the wake of the recent rape incidents in Bangalore and the protests that have followed, New Socialist Alternative (CWI-India) participated in a protest against the rape of a 22 year old women in a car and the police inaction. The first part of these video series includes interview clips of women activists from the protest itself. In the second part, Jagadish G Chandra (New Socialist Alternative CWI-India) speaks on the issue of sexual violence against women in the light of the recent incidents in Bangalore. read more

Bodu Bala Sena Attack
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Racist Buddhist mob ambushes United Socialist Party march

bbsslUnited Socialist Party’s Rally attacked by Bodu Bala Sena!

Comrades of United Socialist Party (CWI-Sri Lanka) including Srinath Perera Piyarathna, Dhammika Silva were brutally attacked by 50 Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) thug Monks and a lorry load of hired goons of around 100. The comrades of the USP were conducting a Motor Cycle Rally in memory of Ernesto Che Guevara and the slogans were against Racism and against Communalism of the right wing Buddhist monks. read more

Bangalore Spoke for Gaza

Bangalore Spoke For Gaza

DSCF5714The following is Thank You Note from Jagadish G Chandra (New Socialist Alternative CWI-India) on behalf of People’s Solidarity Concerns – Bangalore.

Dear Comrades, Friends, Brothers, Sisters, Young & Elderly- Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Daliths, Buddhists, Sikhs, Believers & non-Believers, Physically Challenged, Students, Working people, different Nationalities, Sexuality Minorities and everybody who came and made this event ‘Stop the bombing of Gaza – End Israeli state terror!’ Protest for Humanity a success, I on behalf of the @Peoples’ Solidarity Concerns-Bangalore sincerely thank you all. Yesterday evening Bangalore spoke,humanity spoke,انسانیت spoke इन्सानियत् spoke, ಮಾನವತೆ spoke,மனிதநேயம் spoke മനുഷ്യത്വം spoke- asserted itself that contrary to the “popular” perception that here in this city people are impervious and have “ye sub kuch chalta hai” attitude to what happens around them and the world. read more

Bangalore spoke for Gaza

We are Outraged

Peoples’ Solidarity Concerns
a platform for human solidarity against injustice, inequality, oppression & discrimination

Press Release

We are Outraged

The trapped, blockaded 1.8 million people in the Gaza strip have been viciously bombarded from air, sea and land. The ferocity of the war on this densely populated coastal enclave of land has once again being viewed with shock and outrage by people worldwide. read more