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It’s Time

American Imperialist intentions stand exposed yet again at the cost of revealing the true character of Indian ruling class. The recent cable expose by the whistle blower site – Wikileaks (published by the Hindu) has truly exposed the true nature of bourgeoisie democracy in India & who really runs the show behind the scenes. Every party irrespective of ideology including the CPI(M) stand exposed & reveals how all political parties have been bending backwards in order to placate US imperialism. read more

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Binayak Sen Release

Four months after the shocking news convicting Dr. Binayak Sen, a public health & human rights activist, to life imprisonment on charges of Sedition by the Chhattisgarh court on such baseless charge of possessing a book by Karl Marx (meaning he was a Maoist/ Naxalite sympathizer) & a highly fabricated story, the Supreme Court (SC) has at last proved that there is some sanity left in judiciary by releasing Binayak Sen on bail for now. In a style highly reminiscent of a kangaroo court, the court in Chhattisgarh acted as if it were handpicked by the right wing communal BJP ruled state govt. there to perform the role of a butcher as against following the due process of law as laid down by the bourgeois constitution. read more

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Anti-Nuclear Struggles


NAAM Press Release on Fukushima

As the news of the terrible earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, having left thousands of lives devastated, has started to pour in, it is with equal concern that we should note the deadly explosion that occurred in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant as a consequence of the earthquake. If anything, this nuclear accident exposes the fault lines that exist in nuclear power generation plants in consequence of which people will be affected for generations. read more

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International Women’s Day: One woman’s struggle against oppression

Extraordinary stand against the brutal state and draconian powers

The struggle for the emancipation of women from sexism and for social-political and economic equality continues in various valiant fights all over India. But on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 2011, the extraordinary struggle of one woman against the brutal Indian state and its draconian powers needs to be brought out. She has taken on the might of the Indian Army single-handed with her determined fight. read more

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‘We Stand with You as You Stood With Us’

Statement to Workers of Wisconsin by Kamal Abbas of Egypt’s Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services

KAMAL ABBAS: I am speaking to you from a place very close to Tahrir Square in Cairo, “Liberation Square”, which was the heart of the Revolution in Egypt. This is the place were many of our youth paid with their lives and blood in the struggle for our just rights. read more