Defend students’ democratic rights and campus democracy!
We strongly condemn the attack on the IIT Madras Scholar Sooraj! The PhD student was thuggishly beaten up for organising a beef-eating protest to resist democratically the authoritarian restrictions of the Modi’s saffron regime over the cattle-trade. While this legislation is a clear breach on the individual liberties such as choice of food, the cattle trade restrictions are also a serious blow to millions and millions of livelihoods; particularly affecting the marginalised communities involved in the retail beef trade, leather industries, tanneries, etc. At the same time this act is not seriously touching upon the multi million dollars worth beef exports by the large slaughter houses run by rich businesses. This shows the hypocrisy of this government while imposing its over arching ‘hindutuva’ agenda of beef ban amongst ordinary people and simultaneously protecting the interests of the big business involved in beef exports.