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VIBGYOR festival today witnessed an amazing feat of determination as G. C. Jagadish reached Thrissur covering 600 kms of distance from Bangalore.

Jagadish is part of the New Socialist Alternative, Karnataka which is the Indian section of the Committee for Workers International. He runs bi-monthly newspapers called, ‘Dudiyora Horaata’ (Kannada) and ‘’ (English). On a very rhetorical interview with him, Jagdish who introduced himself as a Trotskiist shared his stories of conflicts with mainstream Communist parties and Maoists in India, his views on socialism and criticism on contemporary model of socio-economic growth. He has been associated with VIBGYOR for the last 4 years and is part of the larger family of social activists who fight for and stand with people’s movements. Along with his active involvement in the anti-nuclear movement, he was also campaigning against the genocide of Sri Lankan Tamils. He started a movement called, ‘Stop the Slaughter of Tamils in Sri Lanka’ whose seed was sown during the VIBGYOR film festival, this later transformed into the ‘Tamil Solidarity’ which is now an international movement. read more

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Can Pakistan become a theocratic state?

Religion, politics and the working class

After the murder of Punjab Governor, Salman Taseer, many questions have been raised about the future of country and possible take over by religious extremist forces. A lot of material has appeared both in the local English media and international press about the rising tide of religious extremism and collapse of liberal and secular layers in Pakistan. Some articles even gave the impression that whole country is in the grip of religious bigotry and the entire liberal and secular layers have been silenced. read more

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From Montgomery to Vietnam: The Radical Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

This article originally written during the 40th anniversary marking the assassination of the legendary civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by our sister organization in the US (the American section of the CWI), is of special relevance to India, which is still today plagued by all sorts of oppressions that includes discriminations (after more than 60 years of Independence) due to a person’s caste, religion or ethnicity. India has seen many mass struggles that have been fought by some of the most discriminated sections in the society led by such figures like Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. But despite their genuine belief in wanting to reform the society for the better through legislative measures, Indian society remains as oppressive as ever before. As this article explains Martin Luther King realized towards the end of his life that racism cannot be fought on the basis of civil rights measures alone but only by challenging the fundamental premise of society based on Capitalism. read more

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CWI- India, raises the colour of Socialism in ViBGYOR

Cde. Jagadish speaking at the meeeting

The New Socialist Alternative (Indian Section of the CWI) made a very good intervention at the ViBGYOR documentary film festival that took place recently in Thrissur, Kerala (12th – 16th Jan. 2011). We were noticed very well through our stall that attracted a very good audience & managed to sell Socialist books worth Rs. 4000, including 25 copies of Marxism in Today’s World (MiTW) book. We also sold all the Papers that we had carried. We have gathered many serious contacts to follow-up in states like Maharashtra (Mumbai & Pune), Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and also in Kerala. read more

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ViBGYOR International Documentary Film Festival (Report)

The ViBGYOR Documentary film festival took place (from the 12th of Jan to the 16th of Jan.2011) in Thrissur, Kerala. The New Socialist Alternative (The Indian section of the CWI) and its national campaign ‘Campaign to Reclaim Democracy’ is having a stall and discussion meetings on the issues of Socialism and Marxism at this radical film festival which attracts young activists from all over the country. The New Socialist Alternative has made a mark here in Kerala over the years, especially during the campaign against the war in Sri Lanka, with Cde. Siritunga Jayasurya of United Socialist Party (Sri Lankan Section of the CWI) a well known public socialist figure here. read more